Tuesday, February 3, 2009

#3 not on the way

The answer to the burning question is NO...negative!! Praise the Lord! I had been having symptoms of pregnancy in the last couple of weeks even though I am on the low dose of birth control, but now I know the answer is no...I took a test at 5am this morning to be sure. The good Lord knows I couldn't handle a 4 year old, a 17 month old, and a newborn! Last night in the chaos of getting kids to bed at 10:45pm (long story I wish to not relive!), I was still a bit scared of WHAT IF?! I know during intense, stressful times like last night that our family is not meant to expand to 5. Not unless you all want to visit me at the psych ward! And Jason would be the next one on the psych ward b/c he couldn't handle 3 children by himself either. That was evident last night as well. :) Love him to pieces, but men just don't do crying children any time of the day, much less 10:30pm! I was able to record the fiasco on video (part of it anyway) just for my sanity and to remind us all of how stressful having 2 crying/temper tantrum kids can be. Furthermore, I had to find some humor and laughter or I would have headed out the door to take a joyride til morning. Well, it's all over now and we're better for having lived through it. As my mom would say, "This too shall pass!" It did, mom, and I am oh, so THANKFUL that there isn't another one on the way to add to the mix. Lord, teach me, show me today that children truly are blessings from Your hand in some way. I need that reassurance and reminding. :) I know it in my head, but I need to feel it in my heart.

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