Friday, May 15, 2009

Strawberry Pickin' at Lever Farms

This is the place where you pay---and they even have pound cake and strawberry SALSA for sale!
Examining a strawberry---then.....

Smooshing the strawberry all over himself!!!

Look what we picked! Pretty good, eh?

Emma Grace and Madeline with stains and all---I think Madeline ate more than she put in her basket!

Alex and Jase watching the action!

Here's one, Mommy!

Ms. Julie, Madeline, and Emma Grace---beautiful rows they have at Lever!

Today a friend and I took our little ones to pick strawberries at Lever Farm about 20 min. up the road on Hwy. 34 in Newberry County. Emma Grace and Madeline really enjoyed themselves...Emma Grace had never picked anything beyond our garden before, and this year she's really getting into the planting and weeding aspects of it. She was actually very good at only picking the big, red ones and picked most of what we brought home. We hauled Jase and Alex along for the ride and it was not long that they were reminding us of why it's hard to travel anywhere with babies. :) The strollers would not fit down any of the rows planted, but we persevered and came home with a gallon each full of juicy, sweet strawberries!! I'm talking YUMMY!!!! I'm so excited about what I might do with them tomorrow (tonight they just sit on the counter--maybe they should be in the refrigerator!). This is just the first of many wonderful trips around the Midlands---can't wait for the Zoo, the dairy farm, Edventure again (they have the butterfly garden now!), etc. Enjoy the pics of our little ones with red stains!

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