Saturday, May 29, 2010

Surgery Update

Just wanted to let everyone know (if you aren't already on FB and following SU's) that Jase's hernia surgery went well. He went in bright and early Tues. morning and they repaired the right side and then looked at the left just to be sure and guessed it...another hernia over there. So he has 2 incisions on his abdomen that are healing up so nicely. He has internal stitches and a nice clear medical tape/bandage over the incisions so you can see if they are oozing or anything. There has been no more bleeding since the surgery, and I think on Wed. at his followup visit they will take off the bandage if I haven't taken it off already.
He was able to take a bath last night and rode his tricycle for the first time this morning! Boy, was he happy about that. We've been hiding the riding toys for 5 days now and I'm sure he was delighted when his daddy pulled it out and allowed him to ride it. EG and I had gone to Columbia for a haircut.
Just an aside...continued from a past post....
Honestly, I have always thought that FB could be a witnessing tool and an area where you could reach some people you wouldn't normally reach. Obviously, we cannot think that our 498 "friends" are all Christians. Just like we cannot think that 100% of people who sit in the pews at churches are all Christians. I think at one point the Baptist church (SBC) even went so far as to say something like 1/2 of all of their church goers were not Christian. They may profess that they are Christian, but we know that not all who say "Lord, Lord" know Him personally....they were simply saying that there will be wheat and tares even among a church congregation. I think that is probably true of most churches, not just the Baptist Church.
My original intent on FBing was to help reach the unreachable. I have tried to give scriptural references when possible, and yes, I have even added a few opinions, which I would hope are not against God's Holy Word. In fact, most of them are very conservative and not offensive to God. There may have been some things I have said which others did not personally agree with and in which God did not address specifically in His Word. I.E. Us not watching TV...not choosing to pierce our child's ears until a certain age...not putting our children in tons of extra lessons and activities....choosing to keep them at home for schooling....and the list goes on.
But there have been instances lately wherein I was "attacked" on FB for presenting a scripture or laying out my opinion, which I believe to be scripturally sound and what Jesus would do if He were here on earth living in my place. Even so far as to having been called a "spherical a-hole". (!!) So I have felt the need to weed out those who don't help me in lifting up the Father.
I have another question.
So if you are no longer friends with someone on FB, are you no longer friends with them in real life? And I have some people on FB who have unfriended me but not my husband. That is just amazing to me b/c he puts a lot more conservative things on his SU than I do. Things about training up children and our choice not to watch TV. All biblical things. Most of them are things that would make the majority of society who are unsaved press the "dislike" button (if there were such a thing). But my guess is that these unfriended people don't want to engage in such a conversation with my husband for whatever reason. Or maybe they just want to continue to see pictures and updates on our family and he is their only "link" left.
I have no idea....maybe someone can fill me in? I will be glad to read comments left. :)
Funny thing is, no one will leave comments here like they do on my SU's b/c 496 people aren't publically reading this at the same time. Makes one think about the motive for anyone who wants to argue and attack in such a social media as that, doesn't it? 12 readers versus 496? Yes, it's still time to weed the friend garden.
Bye y'all! That's all I have for now.

1 comment:

Emily Fiore said...

I just wanted to let you know that you can use FB as a witnessing tool. I know that it hurts when people respond negatively to God's word but look up Matthew 5:10-12 where he tells us that the persecution is against Jesus and not against us but also to rejoice in it b/c great will be your reward in heaven. Also, Heb.4:12 says "The Word is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deeper into out innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us to what we really are." Some people don't like being exposed. :) I unfriended a lot of my "friends" on FB b/c their status updates were full of foul language or things I didn't care to have going into my head/heart so I think it is okay to use FB as a witnessing tool but to be careful not to let yourself get pulled into the "wordly" stuff of others.