I have to ask in times like these when the schedule seems to add one thing at a time until it comes to look full and busy, it is busyness we're looking for? Are we just about one program after another, one practice or sport after another, almost a hamster on a wheel just spinning, spinning, spinning? I know too many moms both SAHMs and those who work outside the home who just seem to flit from one activity to another with their kids without really knowing why they are doing all this and truly not being the ones to spend time with their kids. Let's just pay someone else to kick the soccer ball with Johnny. Admitedly, I would not be the one to teach Emma Grace ballet moves, but should I try to get her in this lesson or that lesson or this sport or that sport all while she's 4 years old?
I, too, am tempted to try to stuff things/opportunities for Emma Grace into her schedule. Thankfully, living out in the country brings some barriers which may not altogether be bad...can't just hop on over to gymnastics practice or drop Jase off (one day) to karate right up the road. It takes planning when you live near cows unless you want to spend an entire day in the car with the kids. NOT!! So I will say there has been protection from too much overplanning--by the grace of God. I will also add that I think we can overplan our kids in our church programs. We're starting back the Pioneers Club (Wed. for kids) at our church tonight and also at the same time starting back a Moms in Touch International (MITI) tonight during that same hour. I might add that our church generally has activities each night for some group or another--pretty active little church (I say little in that we probably have 250 members and 100 on any Sunday). Here's how a typical week goes/went for us:
Sunday: 9:30-Singing time
9:45-Sunday School for ALL ages
6:00-Evening praise and worship (testimony, prayer, song) & the kids have
Monday: 7:00pm First Monday every month--Circle (ladies only)
7:00pm Third Monday every month--Women in the Church (WIC) for Karen
7:30pm--Men's Bible Study
4th Monday every month--Session/Elders meeting (Jason only)
Wednesday: 6:30pm--Pioneers Club
Thursday: 6:30pm--Discipleship group (Moms and dads)
7:30 First Thursday every month--Christian Education Committee (Karen)
Saturday: 6:30pm--Fellowship time/supper for discipleship group at Danny & Lily's
We just finished nearly 2 years of discipleship lessons, which we met every Thursday, so now we do have that night open. But can you see how a person can become over-committed and not leave time for family time and having a "normal" schedule including a sit down dinner with family at home?? I am just not willing to sacrifice that special family time for busyness. I just want to also add that I am oh so thankful to have a wonderful husband who thinks family time is a priority. He knows that he must have a job where we can eat together as a family, worship together as a family, play together as a family, vacation together as a family, etc. He's not willing to compromise anything in place of those things...even making money. Praise be to God! I am oh so thankful for him and that he has been able to find M-F or M-R daytime work in the 8 years we've been married. God is so good to our family!
President Trump: from 2016 to 2024
2 days ago
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