Monday, April 6, 2009

Burp, mommy, burp

I have to post some of the funny things Jase has been doing lately and how he is just GROWING UP SO FAST!! He's just crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything. Nothing is off limits! It's amazing how different he is from when Emma Grace was a little tot. Boys are just different AND we have a lot more "stuff" now since there's a little girly girl who loves dolls, bottles, little play shoes, strawberry shortcake house complete with wardrobe and table/chairs.

This is just too funny. Lately Jase has started reaching behind me after I give him his morning bottle and I begin to pat his back and now he's starting to pat ME on the back as if to say, "Burp, mommy, burp!" It's too cute and I almost can't help but laugh now that I realize what he's doing. Maybe he's seen EG doing it with her baby dolls, too. She's such a good little mommy to Rachel and Laura and Suzy and Abigail and Campton (boy doll...yes, she named him Camp-ton like Hampton) and all her other dolls I cannot remember.

And I really do not like that Jase is pushing away the baby food! What?! I think he's seen Emma Grace's plate and he knows that she does NOT have little jars and plastic containers with tops on her plate. This morning he ate some of our cinnamon toast and seemed to like it a lot. UUHH, OH. And seems to love the Special K I have for breakfast. I'm just not ready for a messy meal 3X a day when he self feeds. Well, now I have gone and purchased some of the diced Gerber graduates foods like apples and carrots and stuff and guess what??? I have a 4 year old who says, "I want those apples" or "I want those turkey sticks"! YUCK. Why? I thought one bite of those little fruit puffs for babies and she'd get back to the real deal cheese puffs, but NOOOOOO. She eats the entire bag of Jase's baby puffs in the car! Well, at least they're good for her.

Jase loves the johnny jump up!! Man, he's a monkey, and I'm sure glad he likes the jump up because it's the only place I can really confine him that he's happy. If he's not napping or in the jump up, mommy generally cannot get a shower. He's just too mobile. I may have to bring the pack-and-play in from the car so I can let him be caged in enough to shower. (I keep it in the car for days when we go to the park or the church playground or even to our Sat. night fellowship at Danny and Lily's and he needs something to sit in and play while I push EG on the swing or help her do the monkey bars). He will occassionally sit in the exersaucer for a stint or the bouncy seat for about 10 min. while we eat breakfast, but he does not like them for long periods of time.

He has finally started on whole milk in his bottle. Most of the bottle is still formula, but part is whole milk and the proportions are starting to be more even, thank goodness, because formula is WAY too expensive! I don't know how people do it for 12 months or more!! I'm so thankful to have been able to pump and give him breastmilk for 10 months. His first tooth came in on my birthday, March 22!! YEAH! I thought for sure he was going to be like me and be 15 months before he showed signs of a tooth, but it popped up on my birthday. Wonderful present for mommy! Glad I'm NOT nursing now---oh how I remember when EG got teeth and decided it was time to gnaw. I DO NOT MISS THAT.

We're all doing well...still trying to maintain that balance in church activities later at night and my children's sanity. Pray for me as I try to also walk at least once a week and do my workout tapes 2X a week. It's been difficult, but EG every now and then wants to do the tape with me...please be aware that she is more in the way than she is actually working out, but at least she's active some of the time and it's not cartoons I'm battling on the TV. She knows that is mommy's TV time. :) Ha!

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