Yes, I think I've recovered from a week at Garden City Beach. Thanks goes to Bette Pope for allowing us to stay at her beach house! GRACIAS from a one wage earner family! We had a good time! Jase wasn't too hip on the windy/sand being blown in the face, so I spent most of my time inside either on facebook, reading, bathing children, making meals, pumping milk, and just generally doing the things I do at home. O.K. I don't want to sound complainish! I just need some time away from the normal routine with my husband alone...and Lord willing we will get to go away for a weekend in Nov. BY OURSELVES to Michelle's parents' mountain house at Lake Lure. Can you truly relax when you have children of this age? I don't think so. Bottles 6X a day including nights, meals for EG 3X a day, baths for both, help me with this, can I watch that, naptime for Jase 3-4X a day, naptime for EG once a day, whoooo....I'm getting tired thinking of all I do in one day. No kidding.
Facebook at least lets me connect with someone on the outside to know that A.) I'm not the only one out there doing this B.) There are people who have other things they are doing on a daily basis and I like reading what they are up to as if I can live vicariously through these people. :>) Like someone posted photos of their trip to Europe! Fun! Or the biggest stinky video (thanks Cory)! At least made me laugh! Or the fact that there are those upset by the losses in football. Or the obsession with the bailout plan (personally I thought the bailout plan might have been this weekend when I bail out of Winnsboro to the Women's Retreat in Asheville!). Just a fun way to get out of my house without actually leaving 145 Cammack Road.
So I guess I need to get on with the vacation update before I bore everyone....well, we went out on the beach (Jason and EG every day mainly to look for seashells), we ate out much too often, we walked down to the marina, we rode rides at Broadway at the Beach, I went to the outlets for 2 hours by myself on the rainy/windy day, didn't get to go putt-putting, didn't get to take EG to a movie, didn't get to go crabbing with EG, didn't get to eat out without children (except the Chick-fil-A I ate in the van on the way to outlets), didn't get to go see Kelli or Nancy Yongue, no water parks were still open, didn't get to go bike riding....O.K. I'd better stop there b/c I'm realizing that I babysat for an entire week so my daughter and husband could enjoy the beach/sand. Sound jealous? Yes, perhaps. What would my mom say? "This too shall pass." Kids will grow up and we'll be able to do more things, FUN things, with our children. Oh, how I so look forward to that....can I remind those of you reading that I feel we are ready to move out of baby stage and not ever have another baby (maybe adopt one 2-3 years old). Lord knows I'm not built for inactivity...maybe I'm ADHD, but I want to be doing something constructive with my kids....O.K. some of you are repeating in your heads "but this is the best work you could be doing taking care of your little one." And I know this in my head which is why I did it without fussing too much at the beach house and which is why I diligently do it every day. But I so look forward to the fun times riding bikes in the moutains with the 4 of us and camping out the 4 of us, and not worrying about nap times or if we can eat at 8pm. Soon enough...slow down, Karen.
I'll hush now....thanks for letting me work this all out in my head and on the blog (that's why it's called a blog, right?) and thanks to Kira and Luke who feel our pain and are willing to come help take care of our children so we can go to the moutains and focus on our marriage by ourselves. The Lord sends little blessings in life...and I plan to enjoy one of those blessings this weekend at Ridgecrest. Lord, give us rest, a good time fellowshipping with other ladies, and Your Word from Sue Jakes.